Retrieving License Key

Forgot your license key? No worries, follow these steps to retrieve it.

Retrieving License Key from Your PC:

  1. Press Win+R

  2. Type %appdata%/Nighty Selfbot, and press OK.

  3. If successful, open auth.json with Notepad (Right click - open with - Notepad).

  4. Locate your license key in auth.json and copy it.

Retrieving License Key from Order Email:

  1. Search your email inbox for the keywords "Nighty," "Shoppy," or "Sellix"

  2. Locate your license key in order confirmation email.

Retrieving License Key via Nighty Support:

  1. Head to the Support Portal.

  2. Initiate a new support request.

  3. Include as much information as possible such as Reseller or Seller name, Date of purchase, Payment method, Email address, Discord ID or name+tag, and email confirmation screenshot.

Nighty Support Team will assist you in retrieving your license key promptly.

Last updated